Angel Estrada

Youth Director

I recently married my high school sweetheart, Evelyn Estrada, and she’s awesome! Anyway, I was born and raised in Southern California. I love my culture and where I live. I want to say I’m a proud Mexican American who takes pride in serving God, my wife, and others. In my early life, I was marked by adversity and trials and placed in foster care at a young age, where I experienced some harsh realities that set me back on the wrong path. However, my turning point was at 18 years old when accepting God in my heart. Learning to navigate challenges and circumstances has been a process that molded me into the man I am today. I love going to places where people don’t like Jesus or church; reaching out to the unchurch doesn’t make me uncomfortable; it is what drives me. Being a Youth Pastor has not been an occupation for me but a lifestyle because I have the privilege to teach the younger generation about Jesus. I have discovered a profound sense of purpose with my family, friends, and the local church. I love traveling, am a huge sports fan, and love attending sports and music venues. Go Dodgers, Go Steelers, Go Lakers, and Go Team Jesus! Let’s hang out soon; coffee on me!