Dennis Gallagher

Executive/Admin Pastor

Dennis Gallagher is serving on our staff as Finance Director for Mission Hills Covenant Church.
He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of La Verne
and recently completed a master’s degree program at Liberty University Rawlings School of
Divinity in 2022. He also leads the Wednesday night Bible Study for the Men’s ministry in the
church café.
Dennis is a native of Southern California, growing up in the greater Los Angeles area. He has a
passion for teaching from the Scriptures and is actively pursuing credentialing with the
Evangelical Covenant Church as a bi-vocational licensed minister. He is on track to becoming
Executive Pastor as he seeks full ordination in the ECC.
Dennis enjoys worship music. Most Sunday mornings you may notice him playing the electric
bass guitar as part of the worship team. In addition to writing and playing music, he enjoys
quiet evenings at home with his wife Leslie. She serves in the Mt. View Café on Sunday
mornings. They have been married for 26 years.